203 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Pink Fuzzy


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Thu 7th Jul 21:40
Apocalypse Soon rated  Great
Good board. Solid design, not hard to understand, and the ships between the continents are interesting. I agree with another comment that it would be nice if the subs had 4 armies allowed. Their bonus isn't much of one when you can only attack with two.
#38 of 38
Thu 7th Jul 21:36
Asherons Gear rated  Superb
Died pretty quickly on my first game, but I had a lot of fun (immediately started a second game to see if I could do better). The way territory bonuses are set up is pretty neat, a nice twist on hordes. After more plays, I definitely enjoy this board. Great map! Win or lose, it's a lot of fun.
#37 of 38
Sun 20th Mar 15:01
I love hordes style maps. Don't know if it's my favorite hordes map, but it is definitely a fun board.
#36 of 38
Sun 27th Feb 22:42
Neverland rated  Superb
I really enjoy playing this board, and I'm not one to usually enjoy the run-the-board over with abandoned territories style of game play. You have to move all over the place each turn. You can be defensive,but it takes a bit more thought. And an army of four can be huge. It's a fun game. I do think that the neutral armies of skull island could stand being dropped a bit, because I have yet to see anyone even try for that island, so it almost seems pointless to be there.
#35 of 38
Wed 8th Sep 01:59
Pirate Gear rated  Great
Only played once so far, but I thought it seemed well put together. The pirate ship is fun to mess with people with, which gives you something to do even if you're losing. But more defensive-minded players can at least try to build where the ship can't touch (and see if it works out for them). Great game so far.
#34 of 38
Wed 8th Sep 01:57
Gauntlet rated  Great
Great game. I don't know if it's quite even. Blue might be at a disadvantage. But I'm having fun even losing, so it's a great board.
#33 of 38
Wed 8th Sep 01:54
4Play rated  Poor
Seems to have a big disadvantage for the last player. Or maybe both of my games so far have just been unlucky. Bit annoying to be eliminated twice on the second turn. Really just a luck game for the most part, it seems.
#32 of 38
Fri 27th Aug 22:46
Notebook Paper Dungeon rated  Great
I love the theme, and it worked rather well as a risk board. Very simple, lots of fun.
#31 of 38
Fri 27th Aug 22:44
Helix rated  Fair
This board reminds me of escalation. I just can't seem to figure out how to play it well and that frustrates me. I fully admit that my own, usually-defensive-minded play-style is probably to blame, but I didn't really enjoy this board. Still, it was completely fair, no starting place any better than another.
#30 of 38
Thu 5th Aug 23:27
Clue rated  Superb
Once I actually paid attention to the rules, I found the game put together really well (the return to place after attack really helps make the board work without having to do connected fortifies). I think it could take a while for the last two players to finish the game, but that's probably true in most boards with a large number of territories. Great game.
#29 of 38
Thu 5th Aug 20:23
I like this board. Especially when others fight for the capitals, slowly weeding each other out, while I play my favorite board style... hordes. I want to see someone actually use the artillery feature, just because I've never seen it used. Some of the territories are awfully tiny. Overall, this is a board I'll play again.
#28 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:26
WarGear Warfare rated  Average
It's risk. Standard board. Standard play.
#27 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:23
WarGear 2210 rated  Superb
It's a great board. I think I might like it better than the table-top version.
#26 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:22
Medieval Europe rated  Great
I've enjoyed the games I've played. Easy enough to get a continent. Not so easy to keep it. Easy enough to knock others off their continents. Not so easy to hunt down their main army build up in heavy fog.
#25 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:14
Global Warfare rated  Average
Basic board. Nothing special to it.
#24 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:13
GearStorm rated  Great
Good board. I don't know that I like it enough to give it a perfect, but it's a nice, simple, basic map that is well balanced. I keep losing on it though. *sigh*
#23 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:11
Feudal Japan rated  Good
When you get down to two players, it can take a long time for one to wipe out the other,even when it's pretty obvious that one side has the lead. Other than that, I really enjoyed the map. As someone else mentioned, the per territory bonuses are very nice for getting armies quickly.
#22 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:07
Expanding Europe rated  Good
Basic risk on a new style map. Works. Seems very well balanced.
#21 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:05
Europe 1560 rated  Good
Being a bit of a defensive player,I rather like this board. It does tend to last a while, but with this many territories, anyone should realize that going into it. Final end will probably come down to card turn ins, but that's pretty common anyway (and if the card turn ins didn't get large, the board might never end).
#20 of 38
Sun 25th Jul 23:03
Atomic Transporters rated  Average
I think I've had some bad games, but they took a LONG time to play. I find the fog annoying on this board. Still, it's nice to have a game not won by the latest card turn-in. You really have to slog it out to conquer this board.
#19 of 38
Pages:   12   (2 in total)